To know Alan Mills is to know that he is a jazz afficiando. His favorite in the genre is the work (many say the genius), of legendary saxophonist, John Coltrane. The album (and in particular, the title track), Giant Steps, is revered by many as Coltrane’s best work. Through it, Coltrane they say, changed jazz. The Coltrane Legacy: Why “Giant Steps” Remains One of the Most Influential Jazz Albums of all Time, Michael Westmore expressed: The track’s rapid-fire chord changes and Coltrane’s virtuosic saxophone playing [known as the ‘sheets of sound’], have inspired countless musicians over the years. Coltrane’s unique approach to improvisation and his use of the “Coltrane changes” – a series of rapidly-changing chord progressions – pushed the boundaries of jazz and opened new avenues for exploration and creativity….Giant Steps” also boasts an incredible emotional depth and a sense of intense, soulful expressiveness. Coltrane’s saxophone playing is fiery and introspective, with a rawness and urgency that speaks directly to the listener’s heart….Coltrane’s use of “sheets of sound” and his innovative approach to harmony and melody influenced countless musicians, including his contemporaries and future generations. For all of these reasons and more, Giant Steps – The Mills Cut, seemed like the perfect title to capture this piece endeavoring to depict the life and legacy of Alan K. Mills and his unmatched contribution to Barnes & Thornburg LLP and the broader legal profession. That is, just as Coltrane was to jazz, Alan has been to Barnes & Thornburg and the practice of law. Over the course of his 40+ year legal career, moments of trailblazing abound including being the first Black lawyer to join Barnes &Thornburg, the first to make partner at the firm, and the first to do so in the entire State of Indiana. Because of Alan, countless lawyers of color call Barnes & Thornburg home and so many others (both within and beyond our walls), have been advanced. Like Coltrane’s Giant Steps, Alan’s uncompromising presence, unmatched style, bold approach and mindful leadership have “pushed the boundaries” of excellence in the legal profession. His courage to endure has changed a culture. Indeed, our firm’s modern-day expression of our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in many respects, follows Alan’s blueprint. So this piece attempts to capture the essence of a trailblazer -- to showcase in pictures, just some of the Giant Steps of Alan K. Mills and their impact. Take a deeper dive into Alan’s story by clicking on the hyperlinked images.
The Mills Cut
To know Alan K. Mills is to know that he is a jazz aficiondo. His favorite in the genre is the work (many say the genius)of legendary saxophonist, John Coltrane. The album (and in particular, the title track), Giant Steps, is revered by many as Coltrane’s best work. Through it, Coltrane, they say, changed jazz. In The Coltrane Legacy: Why “Giant Steps” Remains One of the Most Influential Jazz Albums of All Time, author Michael Westmore expressed...
Giant Steps – The Mills Cut, is the commissioned work of artist and creative, Kamika Perry. Kamika is the owner of Eyedea Studio and KP Art Studio in South Bend, Indiana. After being told by her college advisor that she (as a Black woman), could not make much of a career painting, Kamika (a native of Jamaica), put down her brushes and switched her focus to media and graphic design....
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Alan’s legacy of change and transformation of the practice of law all began at 11 S. Meridian Street in Indianapolis, Indiana. The firm then was Barnes, Hickam, Pantzer & Boyd. Alan says that he began his career here because, unlike any other law firm with which he interviewed, Barnes offered him a real chance to succeed. And succeed he did. So much of what we do today, especially as it relates to the activation of our longstanding commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, stems back to Alan’s work and presence at 11. S. Meridian Street. Inclusion of imagery reflecting the original building thus felt paramount as it is the house, if you will, that Alan helped build.
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Back in 1982 (and to some extent, still), the lawyers' uniform, if you will, consisted of a black, blue or grey suit, white shirt, muted long necktie (for men), and dress shoes. Enter Alan on the scene. While always respectful of the prevailing professional standards, Alan was determined nonetheless to present on his own terms. His “terms” with few exceptions, have always included a signature bowtie. Indeed, Alan is known throughout the profession for this distinguished attire. Make no mistake though, this is not about mere aesthetics. Alan’s decision to add yet another layer of difference to the mountain of them he was already navigating was courageous and by design. Doing so certainly was an ode to his late father, who Alan says taught him to always look sharp regardless of your station in life. But it was also done to set himself apart. Plainly, it has been said that if you are going to be the only one in the room, be the only one in the room as it presents an incredible opportunity to elevate. Alan’s bowtie says, excellence looks like me too. So the bowtie image here was a necessity to anchor the piece to the essence of who Alan K. Mills is.
They say a tree is known by its fruit. Fruit resulting from the dedication and investment of Alan K. Mills abounds. Plainly, opening doors, making room and creating opportunities for others (especially other diverse practitioners), is central to Alan’s brand. Alan would say it’s one of the things he cares about most as there is no real success if the only one who advances is you. So these oversized doors with the throngs of people flowing through are meant to represent all of the lives and careers Alan has elevated over the course of his illustrious career.
They went by the names Slim and Smiley and were skilled tradesmen in the art of shining shoes. They worked long ago at Cento Shoes, a mainstay family-owned business in downtown Indianapolis just down the way from Barnes & Thornburg. Back then (when Alan as a young associate would frequent Cento to get his shoes shined), Slim and Smiley were the only other Black professionals he would see on a regular basis. To the majority though, per Alan, Slim and Smiley were not professionals at all, but mere hired help. They were, like so many others of color in that day, invisible. But to Alan, they were family. They encouraged him. They protected him. They saw him. Alan has said, “Slim and Smiley loved me. And I loved them back.” Both gentlemen have passed on, but their imprint on Alan’s life was indelible. So a nod in this creation to their critical investment in his life was necessary as it is quite possible that without Messrs. Slim and Smiley, Alan would not be here.
Upon his well-earned and much deserved retirement, Alan will retreat to Savannah, Georgia. It is the place where he was born and the place he goes to refuel. According to Alan’s family, Savannah (and the home he has there), is known as his “happy place.” It is there where his family and friends gather to respite, to love on one another and to be reminded of just how far they’ve come (as a family and as a people). Throughout this piece, you will see imagery of wind, water, moss and trees, intended to go beyond the single story of Alan’s life as a practicing lawyer and to introduce you with the utmost subtlety, to his origins in the Hostess City of the South.
Eyedea Studio was born out of this discipline. Painting however, remained her first love. Indeed, she never stopped and in 2021 finally decided to pull her pieces out of the garage and build a business around her mixed media work.
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Artist Kamika Perry
For Kamika, the creation of her first collection reflected her deliberate rejection of her college advisor's opinion and also served to honor her late father, who Kamika credits as the inspiration for the collection. The rest is, as they say, history. Today, you can experience Kamika’s creative works at KP Art Studio. She is also the creative force behind Barnes & Thornburg’s DEI branding. To learn more about Kamika and her work, visit her website at:
For all of these reasons and more, Giant Steps – The Mills Cut, seemed like the perfect title to capture this piece endeavoring to depict the life and legacy of attorney Alan K. Mills and his unmatched contribution to Barnes & Thornburg LLP and the broader legal profession. That is, just as Coltrane was to jazz, Alan has been to Barnes & Thornburg and the practice of law. Over the course of his 40-plus year legal career, moments of trailblazing abound, including being the first Black lawyer to join Barnes & Thornburg, the first to make partner at the firm, and the first to do so in the entire state of Indiana. Because of Alan, countless lawyers of color call Barnes & Thornburg home and so many others (both within and beyond our walls) have been advanced. Like Coltrane’s Giant Steps, Alan’s uncompromising presence, unmatched style, bold approach and mindful leadership have “pushed the boundaries” of excellence in the legal profession. His courage to endure has changed a culture. Indeed, our firm’s modern-day expression of our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in many respects, follows Alan’s blueprint.
The track’s rapid-fire chord changes and Coltrane’s virtuosic saxophone playing [known as the ‘sheets of sound’], have inspired countless musicians over the years. Coltrane’s unique approach to improvisation and his use of the “Coltrane changes” – a series of rapidly-changing chord progressions – pushed the boundaries of jazz and opened new avenues for exploration and creativity…. Giant Steps” also boasts an incredible emotional depth and a sense of intense, soulful expressiveness. Coltrane’s saxophone playing is fiery and introspective, with a rawness and urgency that speaks directly to the listener’s heart…. Coltrane’s use of “sheets of sound” and his innovative approach to harmony and melody influenced countless musicians, including his contemporaries and future generations.
So this piece attempts to capture the essence of a trailblazer – to showcase in pictures a glimpse of the life of Alan K. Mills and the impact of his giant steps. To this end, every element of this painting was deliberate and endeavors to depict an aspect of Alan's journey. To take a deeper dive into some of them, simply go to the painting by pressing the button below, tap the painting and follow the prompts.
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